Thursday 16 June 2016

Lego Minifigures Series 16 Images and list leaked

Hello Readers!

I'm sorry if this post is a bit late...
But anyway here we go!

A couple of months ago the box for Series 16 was shown at the NY Toy Fair:

Now a couple of weeks ago these pics leaked from i presume a Lego factory:

And these looks more legit than the Series 14 Minifigures that leaked last year:

Those looked fake... But in the end they were legit!

Here is the list of the figs that will be in this awesome series.
The ones in bold are shown on bag:
  • Babysitter with Baby Boy
  • Scalawag Pirate
  • Female Cyborg
  • Ice Queen
  • Penguin Guy
  • Banana Guy
  • Arabian Knight Archer
  • Serenader
  • Imp (Boy in Devil Costume)
  • Spy
  • Hiker
  • Rogue
  • Wildlife Photographer
  • Dog Show Judge
  • Female Kickboxer
  • Spooky Boy

I think there are some awesome Minifigs in this series but the one I'm looking forward to the most is the Spy! Now i have no idea what it looks like but hopefully its good!

Now when will this series be released?
September is the usual release for the third series of the year... And thats what is shown on the box from the NY Toy Fair.

Looking forward to getting my hands on this series! Can't wait!

Thank you for reading!

Let me know what you think in the comments!

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Lego Clones & Fakes

Hello Readers!

I have finally decided to restart writing blogs!

In this blog we will be looking at some Lego Clones & Fakes!

To start off lets look at Lego set clones.

The other day i was looking at a long retired set on Amazon (7744 Police Headquarters). When i came across a clone that looks almost identical in design and features. 
It goes for £42.95.

Now here is what the original set from Lego looks like.

See the resemblance!?
Now i'm not going to risk buying this clone because i don't know if it will break easily or worse... won't be compatible with my Lego bricks! And that means no modifications to this £42.95 clone! And thats almost £50 thrown out the window!

But this isn't the only Lego set clone out there. There are a lot more! So be careful to check the title and the logo!

Now another problem is fakes.

I'm sure lots of you find sets like these on eBay.

Now this can be a problem because most of them say its "Lego Compatible"...
Well they might be and they might not be... if they are not you might buy a bunch of minifigs like the ones above. And spend £18 only to find out that they are not very compatible and that they break after 15 minutes of playing with them. Which is why i don't buy these clones and fakes because they are not Lego and i don't think its worth the risk!

Now how do you distinguish if they are fakes or not?
Well usually fakes say "Lego Compatible" or "Fits Lego" or they have lego as one of the last words in the title.
If they are legit Lego you will either see the Lego logo on the box or packet. You might want to buy a specific minifig and you want to buy a legit one on eBay. They always have Lego as the first word in the title!

Now are these fakes and clones Illegal!? 

I'm not sure but to stay safe... stay away from them!
Because they can be a waste of Money.

Thank you for reading! Hope this helps!
Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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